
Helping Renters
Need a rental?
We have a variety of rentals available, just check out the page "Available Rentals" for our current options. Our face book page has photo albums & videos too, (PegasusOfSD) and check out our YouTube Channel, Pegasus of SD.
Furnished options & short term rental solutions too, just message us for more info!
Pegasus of SD is a South Dakota Real Estate firm owned by Joann Messersmith, serving the Sioux Falls metro area.

Consulting services offered on an hourly basis for many owner needs. With extensive experience with multi family & smaller investment properties, from the design phase through leasing and ongoing management services, Joann can help your business. Please call to discuss.
Because sometimes you want to do it yourself, but you just need a little help, Pegasus offers consulting services to owners who self manage.
Maybe you would like another set of eyes to review your potential purchase, your marketing, help train your staff, or even review your procedures. Or perhaps you need some short term assistance or help with an emergency. Pegasus is happy to help you.
Consulting work is as individual as you are, and we are happy to tailor work to suit your needs.

Brokerage &
Property Management
Pegasus of SD is a Real Estate firm owned by Joann Messersmith, serving the Sioux Falls metro area. Joann can help you purchase a home or a rental property. Let Joann negotiate your deal!
Pegasus assists rental property owners in leasing & managing their properties, and helps investor buyers evaluate & purchase income properties. Pegasus offers Property Management Services for residential and commercial properties and Home Owners Associations.
Joann has been licensed in real estate since 2010, and has over 10 years working in the construction industry prior to that. She is a member of the local MLS and NAR, & offers traditional buyer & seller representation as well.